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New in assortment: hybrid wood-pellet stove

We are pleased to inform you of a new addition to our assortment! It is Combo air pellet/wood, a hybrid pellet and wood stove from Ungaro brand. We explain how it works with an example. You program the stove's ignition for 4:30 a.m., and the stove starts autonomously powered by pellets.At 7:00 a.m. you wake up and start the wood heating and the fire ... Read more

Bulk pellets: time for replenishment!

We join the voice of in recommending that you plan and agree with us, as of now, on your pellet supply! This recommendation stems from the fact that pellets are becoming increasingly popular as a renewable fuel. Demand has grown strongly throughout Europe and in Switzerland as well! Indeed, the year 2021 has been distinguished ... Read more

Energy strategy 2050 and pellets: the politicians' word

Three years ago, the Swiss electorate approved the "Energy Strategy 2050," which envisions a shift from fossil energy to renewable energy, abandoning nuclear power altogether. This is certainly an ambitious project that will lead to significant CO2 reductions and greater independence from foreign countries, as renewable energy can be produced right in Switzerland, resulting in value creation that remains ... Read more

Pellets mean simplicity and convenience

An automatic system minimizes the operations required for its operation: it operates autonomously when needed with the possibility of being controlled remotely, via smartphone. The small footprint of boilers and pellet stores allow their installation in the room occupied by the old oil boiler, the space is in fact more ... Read more

Pellets: zero-impact energy!

When we talk about energy from wood we are actually talking about stored solar energy. It is renewable and climate-neutral energy: this means that the same amount of CO2 is emitted during the burning of wood as was absorbed by the tree itself during its growth. Moreover, those who heat with pellets can independently choose the ... Read more